Uzbekistan invited to invest in economic zones, hi
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Uzbekistan invited to invest in economic zones, hi

Mar 29, 2023

Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi has called upon Uzbekistan to invest in 100 special economic zones and hi-tech parks in Bangladesh.

When a delegation led by Uzbekistan's Deputy Foreign Minister Bakhrom Aloev visited the ministry on Thursday, Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi also called for resuming direct flights between Bangladesh and Uzbekistan to increase bilateral trade and expand the tourism sectors in the two countries.

Tipu Munshi said there is a lot of potential for the development of business and tourism sectors in both the countries. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has set up 100 economic zones and hi-tech parks in the country and announced attractive incentive packages and facilities for foreign investors. He called on Uzbek investors to make use of this opportunity to invest here, said a press release from the commerce ministry.

Tipu Munshi told the deputy foreign minister of Uzbekistan that if Bangladesh-Uzbekistan direct flights are opened and the visa process is simplified, businessmen of one country will be able to visit the other and find investment opportunities.

He also said government-to-government as well as business-to-business communication should be increased. He emphasised on strengthening bilateral relations by finding potential areas for overall benefits including trade between the two countries.

Uzbek Deputy Foreign Minister Bakhrom Aloev said his government will take quick steps to start direct flights between Bangladesh and Uzbekistan.

During the meeting, the Uzbek deputy foreign minister urged Bangladeshi businesses to showcase their products in Uzbekistan.

He said Bangladesh has achieved success in all indicators under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Bangladeshi pharmaceutical products have become famous across the world.

He called upon the Bangladeshi businessmen to invest in Uzbekistan and expressed his determination to take the relationship between the two countries to a stronger position.

In FY22, Bangladesh imported products worth $8.80 million from Uzbekistan against exporting goods worth $26.33 million to that country.

Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi / Uzbekistan

TBS Report Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi has called upon Uzbekistan to invest in 100 special economic zones and hi-tech parks in Bangladesh.